The Dan Wesson Pointman Nine is one graceful, smooth, reliable and accurate 1911 holding 9 + 1 rounds of 9mm. This is a full-sized 1911 loaded with features such as a five inch hand-fit match barrel, lowered and flared ejection port, beveled magazine well, carry bevel treatment and hand polished flats. For those to which these things matter, the pistol contains no MIM parts. The pistol features a hand fit series 70 frame and slide and I can attest to the fact the slide to frame fit is incredibly smooth, tight and that the process of racking the slide is the easiest of any 1911 I have ever handled. I could not find any information on the grips but they are probably rosewood with well executed checkering.
The use of the word "basic" in describing pistols in this test would shock pistol shooters from less than a decade ago. When it comes to the 1911 .45, what passes for standard equipment has improved dramatically. All three of the guns in this test share the same design and are the lowest-priced models available from their respective manufacturers, but they are by no means "basic" guns, at least not in historical terms.
This is my first post here! I am relatively new to shooting and 1911s. Since I live and own guns in New York City, it is relatively hard to find good reliable information on handguns. Members of my shooting range/club let my try some of their 1911s and I fell in love with them.